Spiritfire Reiki is an extremely powerful and amazing energy for clearing and protection. It is used for space clearing, house cleansing, protection from psychic attacks, psychic vampirism etc.
The healing done with this modality is very powerful and needs just one minute to send and at maximum it takes only five minutes. This modality also helps to remove earthbound spirit or if any negative energy “stick” to people and also helps in deploying black magic.
It plays a very vital role in providing a great defence from all kind of negative energies.
Originally this energy was dubbed as the “Two Power” because it primarily uses the energy projected out of the third eye and the hands. This energy can also be combined with heart energy to soften and mute the energy for personal healing, thus enabling the power of two to become the power of three.
Spiritfire Reiki attunement via Chi Ball or Appointed time.
Spiritfire Reiki original manual by Stephanie Brail.
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